
Thursday, December 8, 2016

November Winners!

A Christmas Carol or Frozen?
Traditional or Modern?
You get to choose with our current CHALLENGE

Time to announce the winners from our November challenge, DON"T PULL YOUR PUNCHES! OF course, you are all winners to us for playing along. 😍 From the 26 terrific entries, we have narrowed it down to our favourite naughty and nice projects.

#21 Cindy
Cindy created adorable Christmas gift sets using punches AND dies! Here's another look at her creations:

Terri almost made the Troublemakers spill their adult beverages reading the sentiment on her clever card! Here's what she made: 

Congratulations to Terri and Cindy, and a big thank you to all who took the time to play along! Ladies, we hope you will display your badges with pride. And just a reminder that you still have time to play along in our current challenge, A Christmas Carol vs. Frozen