
Sunday, October 9, 2016

September Winners!

Our October Challenge, SPOOKY SISTAHS AND
WILD, WILD WOMEN, is on now!
Fly over and play along! 

It's time to announce our picks for the September challenge, Food and Drink! Twenty delicious creations were linked up — thank you to everyone who joined us! The voting was very close this month, but the winners have been selected. 

Trina's card made the Troublemakers feel bubbly all over! (Or maybe that's just the wine...) Here's another look at her sweet card:

Food, cats, and a saucy sense of humour... what's not to love? Here's another peek at Jane's card: 

Thanks again to everyone who played along! Trina and Jane, you can pick up your winner badges at the end of this post. Our current challenge, Spooky Sistahs and Wild, Wild Women, is perfect for Halloween or just for fun... we hope you'll join us!